
Nurturing Beautiful and Courageous Souls


About Ms Helen Wang, (Helen Dance Academy Dean)

Graduated in 1986 from the Department of Performing Arts at Beijing Dance Academy, Helen joined as the faculty for the BJDA Youth Dance Troupe. Since moved to the United States, Helen has been working closely in the San Francisco Bay Area to develop varies dance curriculum and building a dancing community in the area. She has been teaching at the Chung Ngai Dance Troupe, Chinese Consulate Dance Troupe and the Sunset Dance Troupe as their Performance Director and Art Director.

Helen has also coached the talent segment for Michelle Cheng, Miss Chamber of Commerce 2016 and Jasmine Lee, Miss Chinatown USA 2018. Helen is a devoted and honest dance professional with years of experience in the dance teaching environment, nourished countless younger generations art performers and dance lovers.

Helen spent her time volunteering at the Mid Autumn Festival and performed at the Asian Family Assistance Service Fundraising Gala to help people who are in need.

關於黃煥珍老師 (舞蹈學院院長)

1986年畢業於北京舞蹈學院表演系,同年留校並參加北京舞蹈學院青年舞蹈團工作。移居美國後,一直在舊金山致力拓展舞蹈培訓,並執教於舊金山中藝舞蹈團、舊金山中國領事館舞蹈隊、舊金山日落區舞蹈團,出任藝術總監、舞蹈編導以及教師一職。曾任2016年華商總會小姐張宇心 Michelle Cheng (榮獲亞軍), 以及2018年全美華埠小姐李萬莉Jasmine Lee (榮獲冠軍 )才藝項目的舞蹈教練。多年豐富的舞蹈教學和編舞經驗,培養了眾多的青少年演員和成年舞蹈喜愛者。同時積極參與社區義工活動,參加每年舊金山中國城中秋慶祝活動,亦為華裔弱能家庭協會義演,幫助有需要的人。